Travel Tips for Women And Moms Traveling Abroad
Being an International Woman can be a bit tricky. But, at the same time, it can be super fun. Whether we travel with family or alone there are some tips that can make our traveling experience a lot better. Here are some of them:
Women Traveling While Being Pregnant
From my experience, I know that it is possible for pregnant women to travel and still have a good time. All you have to do is to be a bit more cautious. Here are some things that will make it easier to travel:

If you are traveling on a bus or plane choose a seat near the bathroom, that will facilitate more frequent bladder emptying. It is also a good idea to take an aisle seat.
- In this case, I really don’t recommend traveling alone. You never know when you are going to need some help.
- Remember to get a medical certificate from your physician before traveling and try to have it always with you.
- It is also a good approach to carry your emergency contact number and your doctor’s contact number.
- However, an important tip I could give you is to do some research about clinics of the country you are traveling to, just in case of an emergency.
Travel Tips For Women Traveling With Kids
If you are traveling with small kids especially for the first time you will have to be more careful but it doesn’t mean it can’t be fun. Here are some tips that will help you have a more relaxed experience:

- What you have to know for sure is that you won’t be able to go to and from the tourist destinations as fast as you used to. Kids need to rest more often so spend a couple more of days in the place you are visiting and find a hotel as close to all of the places you want to visit as you can.
- Whenever I travel by plane what I do is STOCK UP on cheap toys. I go to one of those stores where everything is $1-2. I go nuts! Imagine what you can do with $20 bucks.
Staying in Shape While Traveling
Many people gain weight when they travel and I can’t blame them because who wants to cook when on vacation? Here are some ideas on what you can do to avoid it:

- Don’t wait until you are starting to go to a restaurant, always have a healthy snack with you.
- Ask for healthier options at restaurants or ask if you can customize your order or make them smaller.
- We tend to look for restaurant chains that we already know but usually, they are burgers or pizza. So, again look for healthier options, wherever you go you will find fantastic restaurants with new kinds of food waiting for you.
Avoid Being Robbed
Every girl’s worst nightmare is to be robbed while you are away from home. So take a look at these tips for staying safe:
- I learned that airports can be an easy place for others to prey on unsuspecting travelers. That is why I like to keep things such as money/credit cards that will not be immediately needed to be secured. The way I do that is by cutting off a leg of a pair of pantyhose and putting the money/credit cards in the leg then tie its legs around my waist underneath loose-fitting clothes.
- This one is plain and simple. Don’t bring your jewels when traveling to ANY foreign country. Leave them at home!
Tips For Single Women Traveling
Women are scared of traveling on their own because they tend to drive more attention. But, all we really have to do is to be more alert and have some extra precautions:

- It is important to learn a few basic words so that you may understand the local language. This will be very helpful in case of an emergency.
- Always keep in touch with family and friends back home and give them a sign of relief. It is a good thing to let them know where you are and your plans, again this is great in case of an emergency.
- This might sound a bit hard but; dress decently and the way the locals do, this will help you in not revealing your foreign personality. Avoid wearing tight and skimpy clothes.
- Always look confident, even if you are lost!
- Don’t get involved in any unsafe situations especially with men.
I hope these recommendations are useful to you the next time you travel! Enjoy!
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